“Did you know the oldest, largest, and best-preserved boat ever discovered from Ancient Egypt was found buried, just steps away from the Great Pyramid of Giza?” – Jimmy Corsetti of Bright Insight.

After investigating the number of contradictions and logical fallacies present in the current explanation of the pyramids’ construction, it becomes apparent that we’ve accepted untested and illogical theories to explain it. The ‘Khufu Boat’ is an excellent example of that – logic suggests it must have been built after the Pyramids of Giza since it was buried underground next to it. However, the precision of technology used to construct Khufu’s Boat (seen below) is nowhere close to the technological capability used in building the pyramids. Despite this fact, history books still report that the same Pharaoh, Khufu, commissioned the construction of both.

MicoNecoTrek’s photo of “Khufu’s Boat”, Photo: @MicroNecoTrek/Instagram

Egyptians kept meticulous records and documented much of what they did – but none of what we’ve found suggests technology advanced enough to build the Pyramids of Giza, which contain single blocks of stone weighing up to 80 tonnes – the equivalent of over 50 cars. 

“Around 5.5 million tonnes of limestone, 8,000 tonnes of granite (transported from Aswan, 800km away), and 500,000 tonnes of mortar were used to build the Great Pyramid.”

Why would they build the pyramids so far away from the source of the materials? Why would they build it using huge stones that would be exceptionally difficult to carry?

The official narrative claims boats were used to transport pyramids’ stones down the river from the source to the construction site. The Khufu Boat could not have transported stones of that size because of how shallow the hull is and how big the stones are – it would have capsized. However, as previously mentioned, this is the largest and oldest boat we’ve seen from Ancient Egypt. We see no physical or written evidence of larger vessels constructed any differently, but plenty of depictions of boats exactly like the Khufu boat used for thousands of years.

MicoNecoTrek’s photo of “Khufu’s Boat”, Photo: @MicroNecoTrek/Instagram

The precision of the stones in the pyramids is so impressive that we would have trouble replicating the cuts today. Granite is one of the hardest materials on earth – if the purpose of the pyramid is just to function as Khufu’s tomb, as mainstream media would have you believe, why make the construction so much more demanding than it needs to be?

How did the pyramids get placed at the exact center of the earth’s landmass if they didn’t have extensive knowledge of the earth’s geography, which is supposed to be far beyond their capabilities at the time? Why was the layout of the 3 Pyramids of Giza designed to mirror the 3 stars of Orion’s belt?

The truth is, most people have not taken an interest in Ancient Egypt, and when they do, many refuse to question the narrative. I never questioned it until I saw a podcast from Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock about it, then started digging and realized there were a lot of holes in the explanations we’re being given. This mystery should matter to you because there may be large portions of human history we’re leaving out, and learning from past mistakes allows us to build a better future.

Finally, if the Egyptians we credit with the construction of the pyramids did actually build them, why did they leave detailed records about their lives and history but not explain how they erected the pyramids? Watch the video below. where Jimmy Corsetti of Bright Insight goes into more detail.


Bright Insight: “Bizarre Ancient Boats Found Hidden at the Pyramids of Egypt”