‘The Books of Enoch’ by Joseph B. Lumpkin

I do not take the Bible literally and would not describe myself as religious, though I believe in God. I decided to read this book because, in my personal opinion, religion is a tool used to divide and conquer, but the best lies often contain elements of truth. The angels described in the Bible could be extraterrestrial visitors using their advanced knowledge of science and the nature of reality to claim divinity and gain our obedience. Several books were intentionally left out of the Bible, with the Book of Enoch being the most notorious, so I read it to gain insight into more of the truth used to perpetuate these lies and better understand and decode them.

Links to Religions & Secret Societies

Enoch is a little-discussed figure in Abrahamic religions who is Noah’s great-grandfather, mentioned in passing in official versions of the religious texts in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Outside of Abrahamic religions, he is also thought to be the seventh King of Mesopotamia (1) by the Sumerians, who had an entirely different belief system from the previously mentioned Abrahamic religions. The book is considered controversial because it contradicts established dogma in several ways, most notably that Enoch, a human, ascends into heaven while alive and is transformed into an angel by God (who then changes his name to Metatron) and is given authority over other angels. 

He is briefly mentioned in the Old Testament (or ‘The Torah’ in Jewish Tradition) in Genesis 5:21-24 where he is described as “walking with God.” Still, the religious dogma of today suggests this verse is not meant to be taken literally. He is also considered the first ‘Grand Master’ and founder of Masonry (2), the secret society today known as the Freemasons. Lumpkin’s work includes several parts:

  1. The First Book of Enoch – The Ethiopic Book of Enoch
  2. The Second Book of Enoch – The Slavonic Secrets of Enoch
  3. The Third Book of Enoch – The Hebrew Book of Enoch
  4. The Book of Fallen Angels, The Watchers, and the Origins of Evil – Expanded Commentary on Enoch, Angels, Prophecies and Calendars in the Sacred Texts

The First Book of Enoch is included as part of the Bible in the oldest Church of Christianity that existed before the Catholic Church, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Enoch’s time would have placed him in the Old Testament, and the author dedicates two pages at the beginning of the book pointing out similarities between things Enoch supposedly said and Jesus, including Luke 6:24, when Jesus says, “Woe unto you that are rich! For ye have received your consolation.” In Enoch 94:8, Enoch is quoted saying, “Woe to you, you rich, for you have trusted in your riches, and from your riches shall you depart, because you have not remembered the Most High in the days of your riches.” On page 12, the author says:

“It is hard to avoid the evidence that Jesus not only studied the book but also respected it highly enough to allude to its doctrine and content. Enoch is replete with mentions of the coming kingdom and other holy themes. It was not only Jesus who used phrases or ideas from Enoch, there are over 100 comments in the New Testament which find precedence in the Book of Enoch.”

Freemason Lodge

Noah, Enoch & The Great Flood

Enoch 65:4-6 reads, “And there was a great disturbance on the earth, and a voice was heard from heaven, and I [Noah] fell on my face. And Enoch my grandfather came and stood by me, and said to me: ‘Why have you cried to me with a bitter cry and weeping?’ A command has gone out from the presence of the Lord concerning those who dwell on the earth that their ruin is accomplished because they have learned all the secrets of angels, and all the violence of Satans. And all their powers – the most secret ones – and all the power of those who practice sorcery, and the power of witchcraft, and the power of those who make molten images for the whole earth.”

The passage describes an interaction between Noah and Enoch, where Enoch is explaining the reasoning behind the flood. Modern interpretations of the Bible suggest the reason for it range from cleansing the world of the Nephilim (aka the offspring and products of inappropriate relationships between Angels and humans) and humans engaging in what they consider to be evil activities (like homosexuality and unapproved fornication, etc). As seen in the passage above, the Book of Enoch suggests the main reason behind the flood was that humans learned how to access many powers only angels were supposed to have access to, which contradicts modern established dogma that limits humans as less powerful beings than angels.

The Apocalypse & Evil in Heaven

Enoch’s books discuss the apocalypse and judgment day in great detail and, in my opinion, paint a ruthless and somewhat cruel perception of God. For example, the book constantly refers to humans as sheep and describes how God fed them to beasts as a punishment for straying from the path God intended. Enoch begins pleading for the torture to end, but God’s response in Enoch 89:56 reads, “But He [God] remained unmoved, though He saw it, and rejoiced that they were devoured and swallowed and robbed, and left them to be devoured in the hands of all the beasts.” Even in the best-case interpretation to defend the action of punishing people through torture and murder, a merciful, all-loving being would not be rejoicing as the action was happening, as punishment isn’t supposed to be fun for the people perpetrating it.

Picking up from the previously mentioned quote Jesus paraphrased regarding the rich, in Enoch 94:8, when discussing how God will punish them, Enoch 94:9-10 reads, “You [the rich] have committed blasphemy and unrighteousness, and have become ready for the day of slaughter, and the day of darkness and the day of great judgment. Thus I speak and tell you: He [God] who hath created you will overthrow you, and for your fall there shall be no compassion, and your Creator will rejoice at your destruction.”

Enoch’s second and third books are not included in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church but seem to originate from Ashkenazi and Greek Jewish traditions in more recent times and were not found in the dead sea scrolls. The Second Book of Enoch discusses additional detail of Enoch’s travel through different levels of heaven and are also controversial because it introduces the concept of evil in heaven, theorizing that ‘fallen angels’ are still present there (which again contradicts established religious dogma today). It even discusses how Enoch’s ascension to heaven led to him becoming the most favored by God (above other angels and even being referred to as the ‘Lesser Yahweh’) and learning secrets that were withheld from angels.

Apocalyptic Sky

Connection to White Supremacy?

In my opinion, there is also a possibility that this book may contribute to the origins of racism. Black people are often hypersexualized, and a common stereotype is that black men are heavily endowed. Enoch 90:21 reads, “And the Lord called those men, the seven first white ones, and commanded that they should bring before Him, beginning with the first star which led the way, all the stars whose private members were like those of horses, and they brought them all before him.” The verse then goes on to describe how those men were slaughtered. In addition to the connotation of size, a black man’s penis would also be closer in color to a horse’s penis, darker than those of other races. The stars being discussed are supposedly God’s appointed shepherds (representatives to guide humanity) who slaughtered more sheep (people) than he (God) instructed. An interpretation of this verse could be that God assigned white men to kill influential black men with large penises that lack self-control or do not follow his instructions perfectly. Coincidentally, the founder of the KKK, Albert Pike, was also rumored to be a Freemason, though that remains unconfirmed.

The Ancient Egyptian ‘Was Scepter’

Finally, one of the main themes seen in Ancient Egypt is the power of the ‘Was Scepter,’ which is assumed to be merely a symbol representing power – not an actual instrument of power with tremendous ability. The Book of Enoch has a particular verse that suggests the scepter may be more than a mere symbol – Enoch 63:7, which reads: “Because we have not believed in Him nor glorified the name of the Lord of spirits, but our hope was in the scepter of our kingdom, and in our own glory.” The modern Bible also mentions the instrument in Zechariah 10:11, which reads, “And he shall pass through the sea with affliction, and he shall smite the waves of the sea, and all the deeps of the river shall dry up: And the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, and the sceptre of Egypt shall depart away.”

A repeated pattern of the ‘Ankh’ and ‘Was Scepter’ at the Temple of Edfu. Photo by: Jay Sadler

The Annunaki – Extraterrestrial or Interdimensional Beings?

Some consider Enoch’s ascension into heaven to represent extraterrestrial (or interdimensional) beings taking a human back to their planet (or dimension), which they portray to him as ‘heaven.’ Some believe his ascension could be an example of a human achieving higher states of consciousness and unlocking unknown abilities that go along with that. Some consider the Annunaki an alien civilization that could be the angels discussed in the Bible. They are also mentioned in great detail and were sometimes worshipped in Ancient Sumeria. Whether or not you consider yourself a religious person, the book is an interesting read and may contain relevant information to understanding lost history currently thought of as myth. 

To learn more about The Annunaki, click here to read my summary of “The Lost Book of Enki” which details the story of the Annunaki who supposedly used their DNA to create the human race by mixing it with the hominoids of the earth at the time.

Additional Sources

1 “The Ways that Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages”


2 Ancient Science, Doctrines and Beliefs” Helena Blavotsky.

https://archive.org/details/hpb- articles/AncientSciDocBelief/page/n33/mode/2up