Some people have heard of blockchain, mostly thanks to Bitcoin, but many do not understand its importance and the numerous ways it can impact the world. After stumbling across a Ted Talk by Don Tapscott (linked at the bottom of this article), I purchased his book to...
Unfortunately, black history taught in America consists of slavery, Jim Crow, and celebrating a few people who managed to defy their circumstances and make a difference – very little is taught about Africa. Growing up in the Caribbean, it was strikingly similar...
This book is a fascinating read, as it’s based on the beliefs of the first known civilization that seemingly popped up out of nowhere – Mesopotamia. People there believed an extraterrestrial race created humans as a slave race to mine gold for them by...
“A transformative book that changes how you think about your body and mind.” – Joshua Foer, New York Times bestselling author. After seeing a Netflix Documentary about Wim Hof, I began practicing Tummo breathwork on a near-daily basis and taking cold...