Despite vast amounts of open desert and undeveloped land around Cairo, the Egyptian government built a military base directly on one of the country’s most impressive ancient sites – an underground facility just north of the unfinished pyramid at Zawyet El...
‘The Books of Enoch’ by Joseph B. Lumpkin I do not take the Bible literally and would not describe myself as religious, though I believe in God. I decided to read this book because, in my personal opinion, religion is a tool used to divide and conquer, but...
Click here to watch this content in video format. Most people worldwide, including half of my family of Jewish descent, can trace back their roots and their ancestors’ corresponding contributions to the world today. I am adopted and do not know much about my...
During my recent visit to Egypt, I toured many ancient sites and then traveled to London, where I stopped by The National Gallery and other historical places. When I was at The National Gallery, in particular, I noticed some intriguing overlaps between early religious...
After noticing the systemic coverups and deeply perplexing mysteries surrounding Ancient Egypt, I booked a trip, hoping to get some of my questions answered. I was gratified to gain more clarity in some areas, recognize I am on the right track with a few of my core...