Dr. John Campbell, a trusted YouTuber who rose to fame due to his excellent coverage of Coronavirus trends, made a video pointing out the second instance of American and Chinese forces both ‘studying’ a virus right before the global outbreak of it. Since its release, the video (found at the bottom of this article) has gained nearly 3M views, showing tremendous international interest in the topic. He points out that the American National Institute of Health (NIH) and Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were both coincidentally studying monkeypox before the current outbreak, where it seems to have become more transmissible than it ever was before they began ‘studying’ it.

Factcheck Proof Data

He starts by pointing out several facts:

    • The NIH and WIV collaborated on what many people describe as “gain of function” research (taking a weak virus, and making it stronger and more transmissible) in the Wuhan lab. (1)

    • The WIV is located within a few miles of the wet market where mainstream media wants us to believe (without any evidence of an animal host) that COVID-19 originated from a dead animal – though they cannot tell us the species or point to any other animals in the area that had COVID-19 at that time.

    • The wording in the NIH monkeypox study (which began September 20th, 2020) suggests they anticipated that monkeypox and smallpox could be used in bioterrorism efforts.

    • The WIV attempted to develop tests for monkeypox (and probably smallpox) using their laboratory-made version of the monkeypox virus (2). 

Fact-Based Opinion

He goes on to state the investigation into coronavirus origins was “farcical” and “embarrassing.” He believes it was completely unnecessary for the Chinese Lab to make their own version of monkeypox (since there are samples available and labs in Africa, the UK and many other countries) to develop these tests and highlights a part of the paper that says the “assembly tool applied in virological research could also raise potential security concerns.” We knew early in the COVID-19 pandemic that US officials had repeatedly sounded the alarm about safety breaches at the same WIV lab “studying” coronavirus and monkeypox (3). In their paper discussing their monkeypox findings, they mentioned that it would be ideal for them to create the full-length viral genome (the whole virus) to make their tests most effective. Still, we’re supposed to take their word they only created part of the genome for safety reasons even though they don’t allow international inspection.

On top of all this, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) held a simulation in Munich, Germany attended by George Fu Gao, Director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control (4), where they simulated an outbreak of an “unusual strain” of monkeypox beginning in May, 2022 (the same time this latest outbreak began). Though monkeypox was first identified in 1958, there’s never been an outbreak outside of Africa until now – one year after their simulation named it a threat, and the American and Chinese governments began “studying” it. Mr. Gao, Director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control, also attended the infamous Event 201 (5) in October 2019, where the Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, and other globalist organizations convened to simulate a pandemic two months before coronavirus was first revealed in Wuhan.

What Next?

A close inspection of the hypothetical timeline revealed at the NTI event shows that after the initial May outbreak of monkeypox, a deadlier, vaccine-resistant version emerged and led to 1.3M deaths in January of 2023, 27M deaths by May 2023, and 271M deaths by December 2023.

NTI Timeline of Monkeypox Deaths. Source: Brownstone Institute / Screenshot (4)

In reality, so far there have been 10,000 confirmed cases in America, and 12 deaths worldwide, which would put us roughly in sync with their ‘hypothetical’ timeline. We have already seen the coronavirus pandemic led to the severe concentration of wealth in the hands of the super-rich (6) as the middle class continues to shrink. Anybody connecting these dots and suggesting a conspiracy is labeled a fringe “conspiracy theorist” no matter how reliable their sources are and how many times they are proven correct. Maybe it’s time we start asking questions, start investigations, and make arrests if we have reasonable cause to believe anyone is guilty of negligence, or an actual conspiracy – which people have forgotten do actually happen in real life and are not always just “theories”.

Dr. John Campbell on YouTube, “NIH, Wuhan were working on monkeypox”


(1) NIH Documents provide new evidence US funded gain of function research in Wuhan

(2) Efficient assembly of a large fragment of monkeypox virus genome as qPCR template using dual-selection based transformation-associated recombination

(3) US officials were reportedly concerned that safety breaches at Wuhan lab studying coronaviruses in bats could cause a pandemic

(4) Monkeypox was a table-top simulation only last year

(5) Event 201

(6) Pandemic Boosts Super Rich Share of Global Wealth

(7) US Tops 10,000 Confirmed Cases of Monkeypox Cases: CDC
