The winners shape the narrative of history, but those who look closely, read between the lines, fill in the gaps, and piece the story together may uncover the actual truth. When the Persian Empire (559 B.C.E. to 331 B.C.E) was at its height, the Zoroastrian...
Nowadays, many people think self-care requires travel, a nice restaurant, an expensive spa, shopping, or some costly activity (many people ironically want one you can post on Instagram). However, the truth is, expanding what you consider self-care and finding ways to...
During my recent visit to Egypt, I toured many ancient sites and then traveled to London, where I stopped by The National Gallery and other historical places. When I was at The National Gallery, in particular, I noticed some intriguing overlaps between early religious...
Every major religion discusses your diet’s impact on your connection to God. Though I don’t subscribe to the major religions, I recognize that each contains a certain amount of truth. I consider myself a spiritual person that believes in a higher power...
“Anxiety comes from inflammation caused by the stresses of our society.” – Wim Hof Stress compounds when your emotions and attention are drawn in different directions by the media you consume, your loved ones, and your professional commitments....
Biocentrism is the theory that what we describe as the physical universe is just a function of consciousness interpreted through our senses. It is the belief that life creates the universe, rather than the mainstream scientific assumption that life happened on...